// TREE.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. /* ? ?????? ???????: ??????? ? ?????? ?????? ? ?????? ??????? ????? ????????? ?????? ? ?????? ??????? ?????? ????????? ? ???????????? ???????: ?????? ? ???????????? ??????? ????? ????????? ??????? ? ?????? ?????? ? ???????????? ??????? ?????? ????????? ? ???????? ???????: ?????? ? ???????? ??????? ????? ????????? ?????? ? ???????? ??????? ?????? ????????? ??????? ? ??????*/ #include "stdafx.h" #include #include "string.h" #include "math.h" using namespace std; struct Node { int value; Node *pleft, *pright; }; class Tree {public: Tree() { root = NULL; } bool is_empty() { if (root=NULL) return false; return true; } Node*& get_root() { return root; } void inf_walkL(Node*& doko) { RoutSt.push(doko); while(RoutSt.empty() == false) { Node *h; h = RoutSt.top(); RoutSt.pop(); if((h->pleft == NULL)&&(h->pright == NULL)){printf("%d ",h->value);}else{ Node *tmpH; tmpH = new Node; tmpH->value = h->value; tmpH->pleft=NULL; tmpH->pright=NULL; RoutSt.push(tmpH); if(h->pright != NULL){RoutSt.push(h->pright);} if(h->pleft != NULL){RoutSt.push(h->pleft);} } } } void pref_walkL(Node*& doko) { RoutSt.push(doko); while(RoutSt.empty() == false) { Node *h; h = RoutSt.top(); RoutSt.pop(); if((h->pleft == NULL)&&(h->pright == NULL)){printf("%d ",h->value);}else{ if(h->pright != NULL){RoutSt.push(h->pright);} Node *tmpH; tmpH = new Node; tmpH->value = h->value; tmpH->pleft=NULL; tmpH->pright=NULL; RoutSt.push(tmpH); if(h->pleft != NULL){RoutSt.push(h->pleft);} } } } void direct_walkL(Node*& doko) { RoutSt.push(doko); while(RoutSt.empty() == false) { Node *h; h = RoutSt.top(); RoutSt.pop(); printf("%d ",h->value); if (h->pright!=NULL){RoutSt.push(h->pright);} if (h->pleft!=NULL){RoutSt.push(h->pleft);} } } void inf_walk(Node*& doko) { if (doko != NULL){ inf_walk(doko->pleft); inf_walk(doko->pright); printf("%d ",doko->value);} } void pref_walk(Node*& doko) { if (doko != NULL){ pref_walk(doko->pleft); printf("%d ",doko->value); pref_walk(doko->pright);} } void direct_walk(Node*& doko) { if (doko != NULL){ printf("%d ",doko->value); direct_walk(doko->pleft); direct_walk(doko->pright);} } void place_to_tree(Node* nNew, Node*& doko) { if (doko == NULL){doko = nNew;} else { if (doko->value > nNew->value) { place_to_tree(nNew, doko->pleft); }else { place_to_tree(nNew, doko->pright); } } } void add_value(int val) { Node *newN; newN = new Node; newN->value = val; newN->pleft = NULL; newN->pright = NULL; place_to_tree(newN,root); } void AddNewElement(int val) { Node *newN; newN = new Node; newN->value = val; newN->pleft = NULL; newN->pright = NULL; Node *pcur,*prev; pcur = root; bool success,left; success = true; left = true; if (root==NULL){root = newN; success = false;} while(pcur) { if (val < pcur->value){prev = pcur; pcur = pcur->pleft; left = true; }else{ if (val > pcur->value){prev = pcur; pcur = pcur->pright; left = false;} else{if (val = pcur->value){success = false; break;}} } } if (success){ if(left){prev->pleft = newN;} else {prev->pright = newN;} } } int* make_levelline(int &pos,int &lvl) { stack ChetnSt; stack NeChetnSt; int *line,prepos; line = new int[256]; bool chetn = false; pos = 0; lvl = 0; NeChetnSt.push(root); bool allEmpty; allEmpty = false; while(!allEmpty) { if(chetn) { allEmpty = true; prepos = pos; while(!ChetnSt.empty()) { Node *h; h = ChetnSt.top(); ChetnSt.pop(); if(h!=NULL){ allEmpty = false; line[pos]=h->value; pos++; NeChetnSt.push(h->pleft); NeChetnSt.push(h->pright); }else { line[pos]=0; pos++; NeChetnSt.push(NULL); NeChetnSt.push(NULL); } } chetn = false; lvl++; } else { allEmpty = true; prepos = pos; while(!NeChetnSt.empty()) { Node *h; h = NeChetnSt.top(); NeChetnSt.pop(); if(h!=NULL){ allEmpty = false; line[pos]=h->value; pos++; ChetnSt.push(h->pright); ChetnSt.push(h->pleft);}else { line[pos]=0; pos++; ChetnSt.push(NULL); ChetnSt.push(NULL); } } chetn = true; lvl++; } } lvl--; pos = prepos; return line; } void DrawTree() { int cpos,space; bool chetn; cpos = 0; chetn = false; int *line,pos,lvl; line = make_levelline(pos,lvl); for(int i=0; i0){ arry2[k] = arry[i]; k++;} } for(int i=0; i RoutSt; void draw_polindroms(int *arry, int size) { /*int i; for(i=size; i>=2; i--) { bool polidrom; polidrom = true; for (int k=0; k<=i/2; k++) { if (arry[k] != arry[i-k]){polidrom = false; break;} } if (polidrom) { } }*/ } int m_strlen(char *str) { int length =0; while(*str) { length ++; str++; } return length; } void reverse(char *str) {int i,c,length; length = m_strlen(str)/2; for (i=0; i<=length; i++) { c = str[length*2-i]; str[length*2-i]=str[i]; str[i]=c; } } void int_to_str(int *inT, char *str) { int length,i =0; while (*inT > 0) { str[i]= (char)(*inT%10+48); *inT /= 10; i++; } //str[i]= (char)(*inT%10+48); str[i]='\0'; reverse(str); } bool is_arry_polidrom(char *arry) { int size; size = m_strlen(arry); printf("%d",size); bool polidrom; polidrom = true; for(int i=1; i<=(size+1)/2; i++) { if (arry[i] != arry[size-i-1]){polidrom = false; break;} } return polidrom; } }; int main() { Tree MainTree; MainTree.AddNewElement(11); MainTree.AddNewElement(9); MainTree.AddNewElement(8); MainTree.AddNewElement(7); //MainTree.AddNewElement(6); MainTree.AddNewElement(20); MainTree.AddNewElement(15); MainTree.AddNewElement(14); MainTree.AddNewElement(16); MainTree.AddNewElement(21); // 10 // 9 20 // 8 15 21 // 7 14 16 MainTree.DrawTree(); MainTree.Level_Polindrom(1); printf("\nDR: "); MainTree.direct_walk(MainTree.get_root()); printf("\n"); printf("DL: "); MainTree.direct_walkL(MainTree.get_root()); printf("\n"); printf("PR: "); MainTree.pref_walk(MainTree.get_root()); printf("\n");s printf("PL: "); MainTree.pref_walkL(MainTree.get_root()); printf("\n"); printf("IR: "); MainTree.inf_walk(MainTree.get_root()); printf("\n"); printf("IL: "); MainTree.inf_walkL(MainTree.get_root()); printf("\n"); int i; scanf("%d",&i); return 0; }